Help us build a
Central Bucks where
parents are partners.


Are Partners

Are Valued

Every student deserves an education focused on reaching their full potential. Parents need to be full partners in that process, not bystanders. The school board is the place where we shape the blueprint for a bright future for every student. We do that with civility, respect, and professionalism. That’s our commitment.

 Central Bucks Forward


Aarati Martino

Region 6

Dana Hunter

Region 2

Glenn Schloeffel

Region 3

Steve Mass

Region 1

Tony Arjona

Region 8

Employ School Resource Officers to protect
schools and build bridges with students.

Launch full-day
kindergarten and 
STEM Academy.

Reverse Covid learning 
losses by shifting from 
controversy to 
classroom excellence.

Design and deploy 
curriculum focused 
on preparing students 
for tomorrow’s jobs.

Nurture civil debate to 
protect the voices 
of students, parents, 
and teachers.

Keep Up With Central Bucks Forward!

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